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4 Health Benefits Of Having A Waterbed Mattress

Planning to look for a new mattress? If you’ve experienced back pain from your current mattress or just not able to sleep well because it’s too uncomfortable, why not consider a waterbed mattress for a change? With the busyness of our everyday lives in Singapore, you deserve a comfortable waterbed mattress to complete your personal sanctuary. Depending on your sleeping needs, here are just some of the many ways a waterbed mattress can improve your quality of life.

Advantages of Waterbeds: For Health, Convenience and More

1. Conform to your body’s shape

For starters, as its name goes, waterbeds stand out as they differ from the usual spring or foam mattresses. Designed to conform to the shape of your body, you can truly sink into the relaxing embrace of your waterbed mattress. Adapting to your sleeping position, it’s a great surface to lie on. Whether you’re a tummy sleeper or a side sleeper, your choice of waterbed can also provide overall support in all directions and reduce the stress on your back, no matter how you sleep.

Additionally, this type of mattress can offer tranquility to enhance the soothing feel of your bedroom. Ultimately, your bedroom should be a calming place to relax and unwind for the night – and the addition of a waterbed mattress will certainly make a difference.

2. No dust accumulation

If you have allergies from dust, mold spores and other allergens that usually accumulate on beds, then a waterbed is perfect for your needs! These common household allergens can otherwise get trapped and build up in the fiber surfaces of conventional bedding fabrics. Minus such surfaces, waterbed mattresses can also create a more allergy-friendly sleeping environment. With the unique design of waterbeds, it’s possible to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

3. Easier to clean and maintain

With that in mind, it’ll also be easier to clean waterbed mattresses. Simply wipe your waterbed mattress with a vinyl cleaner product for hassle-free upkeep. This is one investment that you’ll be able to keep as good as new. 

Additionally, you’ve probably heard of the need to rotate your mattress to ensure each side is used more evenly. The spot that you’re more inclined to lie on would otherwise start to sag. While this is an essential way to increase the lifespan of your mattress, it can be difficult when you’re doing it yourself. The good news is, a waterbed mattress doesn’t require turning or flipping the bed over every few months. As your body weight will be distributed evenly across the surface, you won’t have to worry about flipping your mattress when it comes to maintaining the condition of your bed.

4. Minimise bed movement

If you’ve ever been woken up by your partner moving in their sleep, that can prevent you from having a good night’s rest at times. It could disturb your sleep and keep you up. Yet, it’s important to make sure you are getting seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. You can rest assured that with waterbed mattresses, it won’t transmit movement to either partner. The best part is, with Bless Brothers, our new generation of waterbeds feature ‘ANTI-WAVE’ technology that eliminates up to 99% of bed movement so both of you will be well-rested. To suit your preferences, choose from various mattress sizes which include super single, queen and king – and you’re in for a quality bedtime experience moving forward!                                          

If you’ve shopped for our Chesterfield sofas and other furniture products, why not give our waterbed mattresses a try? To get started, browse online or visit our spacious showroom in Singapore to view your options in-person. Get in touch with us for more information.

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